Welcome to the blog! This is where I will share my favorite tips on breathing and overall wellness. Essentially, these are small, easy to implement changes in your daily life with big impact on your well-being!

Ways you can add intention to daily chores

I was inspired to make everyday chores more intentional after reading ‘Friendly at Home Fitness Manu...

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Morning Routine

Do you want to bring balance to the stress level in your life? I sure do. And I think I’m calmer now...

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Let's Breathe!

We all breathe and usually don’t think about it. However, the way we breathe has a significant impac...

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Celebrate Yourself

I'm not a plank person. And I'm even worse at doing push-ups. I always felt that my upper body was n...

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Breathing for Digestion

Just a quick reminder about our nervous system: The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) kicks into acti...

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Breathing for Active Relaxation

Imagine you're sitting in your car in the school pick-up line and waiting. Then you have to get out ...

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It's All About Finding Balance

We all know about the importance of balance in life. Each of us might achieve balance using differen...

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Relax Your Mind on a Tight Schedule

My day starts with Lucy! Between feeding her and breakfast for the rest of the family, there are the...

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Friends Are the Best!

Research suggests that having strong social ties—family, friends, everyone you interact with—has the...

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It's a Miracle!

The miracle I'm talking about is not the Queen song, it's your body! I love Queen btw. For the fans,...

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Better Together!

Some foods are better together!  You can increase the health benefits of certain foods when you cons...

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Simple Changes to Help Your Digestion

As you know, digestion starts in the mouth with chewing. Chewing is important, as this is the proces...

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Spring Cleaning

It is spring and we are all home. With all the extra steps everyone one is taking about cleanliness,...

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Put Your Guard Up and Gargle!

My grandmother used to make me gargle with lemon, salt, and water when I showed signs of getting sic...

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Try these oils to clean your countertops

I spend a lot of time in the kitchen; cooking, baking, cleaning...  My oils are there to help, when ...

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